Thursday, March 7, 2019

The Power Of Technology

It’s true how people say that “Internet brings and connects people together from all around the globe” and that “Internet has the power to transfer you from one place to another”. During my childhood in my homeland, my family did not had access to Internet and the only “new” technology that we had was this old computer game which my uncle brought from over seas. I remember waking up early in the mornings as a very excited little kid who couldn’t wait to go and play this amazing new computer game. The game was in a cassette-looking thing and you had to put it on the computer keyboard to be able to play it. My favourite game was soccer and if I had my ways I would leave everything and would have played it all day long with my cousin who was a pro at soccer in both real life and in computer game. Unfortunately we didn’t always had electricity and I remember that sometimes when my sister and I were in the middle of a fierce and competitive game the power would suddenly go out and we both were screaming at mum to turn generator on so we would see who won the game. During the time or days that we had electricity, I wasn’t able to play it because my elder sister would play Mario game, but thanks to my dads phone ‘Nokia’ I was able to play the ‘Snake’ game while I had to wait for my sister to finish her game.

Now fast forward in Australia I nearly have all the time in the world and utilities to play games but unfortunately I don’t have my cousin her. Even though that my extended family’s are miles away we can live chat at anytime we want to as if we really are visiting them, whether it will be Germany, Austria or Afghanistan thanks to the Internet and the new social networking platforms such as Skype, Face Time, Facebook and many more. While social networking platforms are a good and easy way to communicate with family and friends, these websites can be dangerous if you are not too careful. Social media platforms can be dangerous due to the fact that when a person creates their account they can lie about their true identity as they have the power of anonymity, which most of the time leads to cyber bulling, cat fishing and cyber terrorism. Having this in mind and having interest in shows such as Criminal Minds, Bones and so forth, have paved my way into studying Bachelor of Cyber Security and Behaviour. Also due to the fact that I got introduced to Social media platforms in my early teenage years, unfortunately I have left huge amount of digital footprints of myself all over the web. In studying this course I hope to be able to erase my huge digital footprint and to be able to help my country to create a better technological world in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your experience. Great start! As a feed-forward, I suggest to use hyperlinks to external sources only when they support your argument. For example, you could connect your experience with some of the course readings (when relevant).
